Whether you’re ten years or ten days sober,

you're part of a community that a large

percentage of people can't claim to be a part of.

Whether or not you're covered in X’s,

you've chosen to live a lifestyle free from any

substance that might prevent you from being yourself.

In my early years of high school, I remember 

lying when other people asked if I liked

to drink or smoke, just so they'd think I was cool.

Because in my mind, that was the only way

I could fit in. Now, I realize that was only a 

perception of what was “cool”, and it’s 

unfortunate that many kids go through the same thing.

The only difference is, a lot of those kids do

start drinking and experimenting with drugs,

just to fit in.

This isn't another brand bragging

about how much better it is to live a sober lifestyle.

I’ve started this brand for the many people

out there who are in the same position 

we’ve all been through before.